First, the July meeting of the TWIST Digital project was held on 14 July 2015 at the headquarters of Microsoft Poland. It covered the introduction to Agile methodologies in relation to start-up`s environmental.
It was one of a series of meetings connected with Agile method.
The issue in detail, in a clear and understandable were presented by Marcin Franc - entrepreneur and investor with over ten years of practical experience in the field of ICT (gathered among others in TomTom corporation as manager responsible for optimizing the software development processes and coordinating geographically dispersed engineering teams).
Marcin believes that passion is the key factor in the software development process. In 2011 he gathered a group of young engineers to prove that unexperienced but devoted team can achieve outstanding results (provided with the appropriate training and support).
During the webinar Marcin Franc showed Agile Project Management like an iterative process that focuses on customer value first, team interaction over tasks, and adapting to current business reality rather than following a prescriptive plan.
Agile principles go beyond software development – it’s a mindset for people who need a management approach that builds consensus quickly in a fast-paced environment. In a predictive project a manager knows everything about the requirements and the work necessary to achieve those requirements in a predictable way. Marcin told to participants that Software development isn’t predictive by definition – they have to try, to find an optimal solution - Inspection and adaptation instead of detailed planning and decision based on what’s known (not on initial hypotheses).
TWIST DIGITAL is the H2020 action, under the Startup Europe umbrella,
that provides Transregional Web Innovative Services for Thriving
Digital and Mobile to web entrepreneurs aiming at scaling up and
competing in the global market around 4 interconnected web
entrepreneurship startup ecosystems and hubs (Rome, Lille, Stockholm and
Startup Europe aims to
strengthen the business environment for web and ICT entrepreneurs so
that their ideas and business can start and grow in the EU. Startup
Europe contributes to the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan.
Startup Europe's objectives are:
- to reinforce the links between
people, business and associations who build and scale up the startup
ecosystem (e.g. the Web Investors Forum, the Accelerator Assembly, the
Crowdfunding Network)
- to inspire entrepreneurs and provide
role models (e.g. the Leaders Club and their Startup Manifesto, the
Startup Europe Roadshow)
- to celebrate new and innovative startups
(with Tech All Stars and Europioneers), help them to expand their
business (Startup Europe Partnership, ACE Acceleration Programme), and
give them access to funding under Horizon 2020.