Imagine Camps are opened events, where Microsoft together with its partners encourage and prepare students to participate in Imagine Cup competition. In #Poland events organized by DotConnect accelerator in cooperation with Microsoft Student Partner Network, StartUp Europe and TWIST Digital will take place in three cities: Łódź, Katowice and Kraków.

Every event consists of five parts:
  • "From zero to a game developer hero" – Imagine Cup competition and preparation from the competitor’s point of view on the example of Bandbarian success story, the 2015 Polish Imagine Cup winner in Games Competition (Performed by Bartosz Jędrasik – leader of the Bandbarian team).
  • "Unity – there is the rub!" – Overview and demonstration of technologies used in winning projects. Example of augmented reality project setup and demo (Performed by Renata Ciesielska – developer of the Bandbarian team).
  • "One picture story" – Startup and Imagine Cup experiences and success story of an entrepreneur, 2011 Imagine Cup winning team member and 2015 Imagine Cup winning team mentor (Performed by Piotr Jaszczyk – entrepreneur, mentor of the Bandbarian team).
  • "Sales first" – How should the investor’s pitch look like (Online call with Meta Zernike Ventures team members).
  • "Brainstorming session" – Introduction on how to brainstorm ideas properly and model brainstorming session with event participants. (Performed by Piotr Jaszczyk – entrepreneur, mentor of the Bandbarian team).

For more information on the events hosted during the Imagine Camp, please visit:

TWIST DIGITAL is the H2020 action, under the Startup Europe umbrella, that provides Transregional Web Innovative Services for Thriving Digital and Mobile to web entrepreneurs aiming at scaling up and competing in the global market around 4 interconnected web entrepreneurship startup ecosystems and hubs (Rome, Lille, Stockholm and Warsaw).
Startup Europe aims to strengthen the business environment for web and ICT entrepreneurs so that their ideas and business can start and grow in the EU. Startup Europe contributes to the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan.
Startup Europe's objectives are:
  • to reinforce the links between people, business and associations who build and scale up the startup ecosystem (e.g. the Web Investors Forum, the Accelerator Assembly, the Crowdfunding Network) 
  • to inspire entrepreneurs and provide role models (e.g. the Leaders Club and their Startup Manifesto, the Startup Europe Roadshow)
  • to celebrate new and innovative startups (with Tech All Stars and Europioneers), help them to expand their business (Startup Europe Partnership, ACE Acceleration Programme), and give them access to funding under Horizon 2020.