The beauty of fashion is that no matter what we do, we can’t escape it. We can’t escape its charms, its trends and its uniqueness. This is where META Zernike Ventures, STARTUP EUROPE – TWIST partner, spotted the opportunity to innovate the fashion industry and change it for the better, offering users from all over the world a new, different and more dynamic approach to fashion – Fashion 3D!
Everyday millions of users flick through thousands of photos of fashion and beauty products published on different websites. SmartLink’s active markers allow users to find out more about the products in the photos and to take them straight to on-line stores. The application is optimized for all mobile devices and contains a user friendly panel which allows the possibility to analyze the generated traffic.
SmartLink creates a new source of income for publishers who can profit from the business potential of visual content on their websites and lets them expand their offer to advertisers. SmartLink generates high conversion and sales results in a unique way by using behavioral algorithms and big data.
The company is already collaborating with some of the leading publishers in Poland and they are constantly upgrading their product and reach.
Through its unique approach, innovative product and global reach, Fashion 3D has proven itself to be yet another success story funded through META Zernike Ventures Ingenium Poland, a STARTUP EUROPE – TWIST
TWIST DIGITAL is the H2020 action, under the Startup Europe umbrella,
that provides Transregional Web Innovative Services for Thriving
Digital and Mobile to web entrepreneurs aiming at scaling up and
competing in the global market around 4 interconnected web
entrepreneurship startup ecosystems and hubs (Rome, Lille, Stockholm and
Startup Europe aims to
strengthen the business environment for web and ICT entrepreneurs so
that their ideas and business can start and grow in the EU. Startup
Europe contributes to the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan.
Startup Europe's objectives are:
- to reinforce the links between
people, business and associations who build and scale up the startup
ecosystem (e.g. the Web Investors Forum, the Accelerator Assembly, the
Crowdfunding Network)
- to inspire entrepreneurs and provide
role models (e.g. the Leaders Club and their Startup Manifesto, the
Startup Europe Roadshow)
- to celebrate new and innovative startups
(with Tech All Stars and Europioneers), help them to expand their
business (Startup Europe Partnership, ACE Acceleration Programme), and
give them access to funding under Horizon 2020.